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Rita Pechulis MD & Samuel Krachman DO

Temple University



1. CMV培养

2. 快速离心分离病毒(rapid shell vial assay)

3. 抗原血症检测

4. 血清学检查(IgG, IgM滴度)

5. PCR

答案:2. 快速离心分离病毒









问题2. 有关HIV患者支气管肺泡灌洗液(BAL)中分离到CMV的临床意义,以下哪种说法是错误的:

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腹腔高压患者的机械通气 - 第四届中法危重病医学研讨会病例讨论(1)

南京中大医院重症医学科  潘纯


发病后查血淀粉酶757 IU/L,WBC 12.46 x 10E9/L,N 91.5%




BT 37.8C, HR 98 bpm, RR 22 bpm, BP 128/74 mmHg



WBC 9.6 x 10E9/L, N 87%, Hb 130 g/L, plt 103 x 10E9/L

PT 14 sec, APTT 不凝, Fib 8.02 g/L, D-dimer 5.28 mg/L

ESR 79 mm/h

淀粉酶143 IU/L, Alb 34.1 g/L, TBil/DBil 30.1/18.7 umol/L, ALT 13 U/L, AST 40 U/L, Cr 162 umol/L, BUN 10.68 mmol/L, Glu 20.3 mmol/L, TG 19.92 mmol/L, Cholesterol 12.68 mmol/L, K 3.4 mmol/L, Na 134 mmol/L, Ca 1.09 mmol/L

心脏超声:LVEF 67%,左房扩大,左心室壁增厚,左心室舒张功能减弱

EKG: 窦性心动过速,左房肥厚,ST-T异常

ABG (FiO2 0.41): pH 7.366, PaCO2 31 mmHg, PaO2 73 mmHg, P/F 178, LA 1.25 mmol/L




ABG (FiO2 0.6): pH 7.42, PaCO2 29 mmHg, PaO2 62 mmHg, P/F 103, LA 2.1 mmol/L

腹腔内压21 cmH2O


问题1: 此时你是否建议使用无创通气?




View Results



采用无创通气S/T模式,IPAP 14 cmH2O, EPAP 8 cmH2O, FiO2 0.6

一小时后,患者躁动大汗,RR 35 bpm,HR 134 bpm,SpO2 94%

ABG: pH 7.47, PaCO2 22 mmHg, PaO2 70 mmHg, P/F 118, LA 2.2 mmol/L



VC模式,Vt 400 ml, Ti 1.0 sec, f 20 bpm, PEEP 11 cmH2O, FiO2 0.6

PIP 38 cmH2O, Pplat 33 cmH2O, SpO2 92 - 96%

腹腔内压28 cmH2O





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SSC 2012年指南幻灯片3: 感染相关问题



Adjunctive therapy consists of several approaches to inhibit pathomechanisms of severe sepsis.

This is a new recommendation since 2008 because a number of clinical studies have verified that formal screening protocols for sepsis improve outcome (Jones et al.JAMA. 2010;303:739-746; Moore et al. J Trauma. 2009;66:1539-1546).

The underlined sections are new to the 2012 guidelines as ample evidence now exists to recommend these, rather than simple suggestions. (Memel L, Maki D. Ann Intern Med.1993;119:270-272).

The underlined recommendation on antigen detection systems for candidemia is new. It is based upon a number of clinical studies in neutropenic patients and a meta-analysis that included some ICU patients showing these assays, despite suboptimal sensitivity and specificity, allow for significantly faster diagnosis of invasive candidiasis and earlier intervention with antifungal agents. Early therapy for candida sepsis improves outcome (Alam et al. BMC Infect Dis. 2007;7:103; Sendid et al. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2008;15:1868-1877).

This recommendation was not graded in the 2012 guidelines as it is based on clinical experience and expert opinion rather than specific clinical trials.

The 1-hour recommendation for severe sepsis without septic shock was ungraded in the 2008 guidelines as some additional studies have suggested early intervention is an important prognostic indicator even without shock. There are fewer data here than in patients with septic shock. The next slide provides a summary of the evidence. The remark was added to clarify that the guidelines subcommittee acknowledges that this is a goal that may be difficult, if not impossible, to fully implement in all healthcare settings, busy emergency departments, and mass casualty settings, but should be the goal where possible.

A summary of recent studies supporting broad-spectrum, empiric combination therapy in the early treatment of sepsis/septic shock.

Legend s-sepsis; ss-severe sepsis; SS-septic shock; HD-hospital discharge; ED-emergency department; or-odds ratio; ns-not significant; HR-hazard ratio; MVR-multivariate regression

1.Kumar et al. Crit Care Med. 2006;34:1589–1596

2.Barochia et al. Crit Care Med. 2010;38:668–678

3.Ferrer et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2009;180:861–866

4.Barie et al. Surg Infect. 2005;6:41–54

5.Levy et al. Crit Care Med. 2010;38:367–374

6.El Sohl et al. J Am Geriat Soc. 2008;56:272–278

7.Gurnani et al. Clin Ther. 2010;32:1285–1293

8.Nguyen et al. Crit Care Med. 2007;35:1105–1112

9.Castellanos-Ortega et al. Crit Care Med.2010;38:1036–1043

10.Gaieski et al. Crit Care Med. 2010;38:801-807

11.Larsen et al. Pediatrics. 2011;127: e1585–e1592

These underlined changes from the 2008 guidelines were added to acknowledge that viral pathogens (e.g., influenza, hemorrhagic fever viruses) can cause sepsis on occasion and that antibiotic choices need to consider the levels of antibiotics achievable at the site of infection (cerebrospinal fluid, intracellular spaces, when appropriate) [Smith et al. Crit Care Med.2010;38:41-51]. The de-escalation comment and the recommendation were upgraded to Grade 1B from the 2008 guidelines (Grade 1C) as evidence of reduced risk of antibiotic resistance can be accomplished by careful use and antibiotic stewardship to retain the activity of available antibiotics.

  • Gao F et al. Crit Care.2005;9:R764–R770

  • Schorr C. Crit Care Clin.2009;25:857–867

  • Girardis M et al. Crit Care.2009;13:R143

  • Pestaña D et al. J Trauma.2010;69:1282–1287

  • Berenholtz SM et al. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Safety.2007;33:559–568

  • Masterton RG. Crit Care Clin. 2011;27:149-162

This is a new recommendation in the 2012 guidelines. Procalcitonin (or other biomarkers) has been studied in a number of trials as a guide to discontinue potentially unnecessary empirical antibiotics when the clinical situation is stabilized. The available data suggest that this might be useful in saving money and reducing antibiotic use (Heyland DK et al. Crit Care Med.2011;39:1792-1799). However, the safety of this measure and the likelihood it can significantly reduce antibiotic resistance development of Clostridium difficile or other adverse events associated with continued antibiotic use remains to be demonstrated. Procalcitonin levels are not recommended as a biomarker for the diagnosis of sepsis.

We upgraded the recommendation for neutropenia and for Pseudomonas spp. severe sepsis to 2B from 2D in the 2008 guidelines and added other difficult to treat pathogens such as Acinetobacter spp. in the 2012 guidelines. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that empiric therapy that does not cover these pathogens that are later found to be the cause of the infection is associated with significantly worse outcomes. However, much of this clinical data is not based on ICU patients with septic shock, and this indirectness of the data leads us to make it a suggestion (Grade 2) rather than a Grade 1 recommendation. The next two slides provide further supportive evidence of the value of empiric combination antibiotics in treating septic shock to assure that the infecting microorganism that caused septic shock is treated (Kumar et al. Crit Care Med. 2010;38:1773-1785; Micek ST et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.2010;54:1742-1748).

Kumar et al. Crit Care Med. 2010;38:1773–1785.

Legend: HR-hazard ratio; CI-confidence interval; or-odds ratio.

Micek et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2010;54:1742–1748.

Legend: IIAT-inappropriate initial antimicrobial therapy, AOR-adjusted odds ratio, CI-confidence interval, APACHE-Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation.

Kumar et al. Crit Care Med. 2010;38:1651–1664

Garnacho-Montero et al. Crit Care Med. 2007;35:1888-1895

Legend: or-odds ratio; CI-confidence interval; VAP-ventilator-associated pneumonia; AHR-adjusted hazards ratio.

Al-Hasan et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2009;53:1386-1394.

Legend: GNB=Gram-negative bacteria, AHR-adjusted hazard ratio, CI-confidence interval.

Martinez et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2010;54:3590-3596

Rodriguez et al. Crit Care Med. 2007; 35:1493–1498

Legend: GNB-Gram-negative bacteria, or-odds ratio, CI-confidence interval, ESBL-extended-spectrum beta-lactamase, CAP-community-acquired pneumonia, HR-hazard ratio.

This recommendation relating to pneumococcal septic shock was added to the 2012 guidelines in keeping with a number of studies (see next slide for summary of evidence) suggesting improved outcomes for patients with septic shock when a macrolide is added to a beta-lactam in the early phase of treatment. The reasons for this apparent improved outcome in some, but not all, clinical studies are not clear but might relate to the anti-inflammatory actions attributable to macrolides or other mechanisms. It was decided to make this a suggestion until further clinical studies can support or refute this evidence.

The collective, observational clinical data support adding a macrolide to beta-lactams even in documented, bacteremic pneumococcal septic shock. The mechanism responsible for this apparent benefit is unclear but is generally attributable to the anti-inflammatory effects of macrolides. Combination therapy is a level 2 recommendation, despite the additional expense and concern over possible promotion of macrolide antibiotic resistance by its widespread, potentially unnecessary use for this indication. Further study and mechanistic evidence to support its use is clearly needed to support combination treatment over standard beta-lactam monotherapy.

Legend: PSI-pneumonia severity index, B-bacteremia, S-sepsis, MV-mechanical ventilation, ns-not significant.

  • Martinez et al. Clin Infect Dis.2003;36:389-395

  • Baddour et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2004;170:440-444

  • Weiss et al. Can Respir J.2004;11:589-593

  • Rodriguez et al. Crit Care Med.2007;35:1493–1498

  • Lodise et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.2007;51:3977-3982

  • Chokshi et al. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis.2007;26:447-451

  • Martin-Loesches et al. Intensive Care Med.2010;36:612–620

The grade was increased from 2D in 2008 to 2B in 2012 as some new clinical data on early de-escalation of antibiotics suggest that this can be done safely. Exceptions exist to rapid conversion to monotherapy as indicated. Useful references include:

  • Schorr C. Crit Care Clin.2009;25:857–867

  • Girardis M. Crit Care.2009;13:R143

  • Pestaña D. J Trauma.2010;69:1282–1287

  • Berenholtz SM. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf.2007;33:559–568

  • Black MD. Crit Care Med.2012;40:1324–1328

  • Masterton RG. Crit CareClin.201;27:149-162

The 2008 guidelines did not contain this recommendation. The committee wanted to clarify that certain specific indications for antibiotic therapy require more prolonged therapy than 7 to 10 days to avoid antibiotic failures and relapsing infections. Some of those situations are listed here and are provided as suggestions rather recommendations (Grade 2C).

These are new guideline statements following the events of the 2009 influenza pandemic when evidence rapidly accrued that early institution with antiviral therapy could be lifesaving in severe influenza. The second point was added to point out that antibiotics should be stopped as soon as possible after it is determined that an infectious disease is not causing the acute inflammatory state that was suspected to be due to sepsis. Preserving antibiotics until their use is warranted is important in ICU care and in medical care in general as part of antibiotic stewardship programs.

These recommendations and grade guidelines are comparable to those of 2008 except the time interval was lengthened for practical reasons to 12 hours versus the original 6-hour period.

These recommendations were not graded as they were in the 2008 guidelines as they are primarily based upon common sense clinical observations and expert opinion rather than high-level clinical study evidence.

The 2008 guidelines did not make a selective digestive decontamination recommendation. Despite the ongoing controversy over its efficacy and impact on antibiotic resistance patterns, the committee agreed that it should be graded as much evidence now exists in the medical literature about this topic. We believe that this work deserves to be tested in long-term follow-up studies to determine its appropriate place in sepsis care in different regions of the world. Useful references include:

  • Liberati A et al.Cochrane Collaboration. 2010;9:1–72

  • de Jonge E et al. Lancet.2003;362:1011–1016

  • de Smet et al. N Engl J Med.2009;360:20–31

  • Cuthbertson BH et al. Trials.2010;11:117-120

  • de Smet AMGA et al.Lancet Infect Dis. 2011;11:372–380

  • Oostdijk EAN et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2010;181:452–457

  • Ochoa-Ardila MEet al. Intensive Care Med.2011;37:1458–1465

Routine infection control practices in the ICU are important, and recent guidelines on this topic have been published (Aitken et al. Crit Care Med.2011;39:1800-1818). Despite rather convincing and detailed meta-analysis of the value of SDD, SOD and oral rises with CHG (see SSC supplemental digital file 3), the practice remains variably applied and is a subject of ongoing controversy. oral CHG is often preferred based upon its ease of administration, safety, and the relative lack of concern over promoting antibiotic resistance within ICUs that widely use this practice. The existing evidence indicates that the use of SDD does not appear to be a major factor in promoting resistance in the ICU microbial flora. Three recent studies have studied this question. One suggested it does increase resistance to therapeutic antibacterials, one found no evidence of increased resistance with the use of SDD, and a third study found that the frequency of antibacterial resistance was actually reduced after the introduction of widespread use of SDD:

  • de Smet AM et al. Lancet Infect Dis.2011;11:372-380

  • Oostdijk et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2010;181:452-457

  • Ochoa-Ardila et al. Intensive Care Med2011;37:1457-1465

Clearly this question needs to be answered with additional long-term studies to verify the safety and efficacy of this method of infection prevention. Until such time as this information becomes available, a weak level 2 recommendation is given in support of SDD or its variants in regions with experience in its use.

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如欲了解更多内容,请参见新英格兰医学杂志2014年6月26日发表的危重病医学系列文章之结局篇,由D. Cook和G. Rocker撰写的Dying with Dignity in the Intensive Care Unit

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新英格兰医学杂志病例讨论 - 第十一次



一名77岁男性患者,既往史包括高血压和高脂血症(均控制良好),严重酗酒及轻度认知障碍。患者因乙状结肠穿孔导致粪性腹膜炎,并发感染性休克在ICU接受治疗15天。手术后,患者接受机械通气。在ICU住院期间,患者的并发症包括轻度DIC,对乙酰氨基酚引起的急性肝坏死。转入外科病房后,患者发生坠床,头颅CT提示急性硬膜下血肿伴出血导致挫裂伤,中线结构移位5 mm。(在前一次有关颅脑创伤治疗措施的投票中,共有2898人参加。超过2/3的人[67%]主张进行急性硬膜下血肿清除,放置脑室外引流管,并收入ICU积极控制颅内高压。另有26%的人建议进行急性硬膜下血肿清除,收入ICU,但不监测颅内压,还有6%的人选择保守治疗,理由是患者功能恢复的可能性很小。)





  • 约见患者家属,告知患者恢复无望,因此将停止机械通气
  • 约见患者家属,目的在于了解患者自身有关继续积极治疗的意愿,以及积极治疗后最可能出现的结果(最好的情况是住在安养院且需要照顾)是否符合患者意愿
  • 约见家属,询问是否愿意接受气管切开手术
  • 约见家属,告知你决定进行气管切开手术







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新英格兰医学杂志病例讨论 - 第十次投票结果



一名77岁男性患者,既往史包括高血压和高脂血症(均控制良好),严重酗酒及轻度认知障碍。患者因乙状结肠穿孔导致粪性腹膜炎,接受了Hartmann手术(直乙状结肠切除,远端直肠关闭,近端结肠造瘘)后从手术室收入ICU。手术后,患者接受机械通气,针对ARDS使用小潮气量及呼气末正压(PEEP),且接受了感染性休克的治疗。在ICU住院期间,患者的并发症包括轻度DIC,对乙酰氨基酚引起的急性肝坏死。尽管积极进行活动,但仍发生了ICU获得性肌无力。(在前一次有关肌无力治疗的投票中,共有1937人参加。绝大多数人[94%]主张即使在接受机械通气时,也应当尽可能减少镇静,加强早期主动和被动活动。另有4%的人建议在ICU住院期间维持血糖水平80 - 110 mg/dl [4.4 - 6.1 mmol/L],还有1%的人主张使用生长激素改善患者氮平衡,加强肌肉力量)。

住ICU后15天,患者脱离机械通气,转入外科病房。从ICU转出后的第3天早上,人们发现患者躺在房间的地板上,显然是从床上坠落造成的。体格检查发现患者可自行睁眼但无法清楚地说话。右侧肢体活动减少。双侧瞳孔中等大小,对光反射存在。头颅CT检查发现左侧急性硬膜下血肿伴出血导致挫裂伤,中线结构移位5 mm。







在ICU接受15天治疗后,我们的患者很可能罹患重要的后遗症,包括肌肉力量减弱和活动功能障碍。跌倒是住院患者重要的医疗安全问题,一项研究显示1,估计发病率为2.1 - 8.4次/1000个住院日,每200次跌倒中就有1次可以对患者造成严重的伤害。



颅内压升高的治疗策略通常采取逐步加强治疗强度的做法,首先通过机械通气保证PaCO2正常,镇静并引流脑脊液(对留置脑室引流的患者而言)。二线治疗措施包括渗透性利尿,诱导性过度通气,低体温及代谢抑制(巴比妥昏迷),而对于既往健康的顽固性颅内高压的年轻患者,考虑进行开颅减压。由于我们的患者高龄且预后不明确,因此合理的措施为镇静和机械通气,留置引流清除脑脊液,48 - 72小时进行评估判断有无病情恢复的表现。如果没有病情恢复的迹象或出现顽固性颅内高压,则应将治疗重点转向和缓治疗。


如欲了解更多内容,请参见新英格兰医学杂志2014年5月29日发表的危重病医学系列文章之十,由N. Stocchetti和A.I.R. Maas撰写的Traumatic Intracranial Hypertension。本例后续情况请关注6月11日网站内容。


1. Healey F, Scobie S, Oliver D, Pryce A, Thomson R, Glampson B. Falls in English and Welsh hospitals: a national observational study based on retrospective analysis of 12 months of patient safety incident reports. Qual Saf Health Care 2008;17:424-30.
2. Chesnut RM, Temkin N, Carney N, et al. A trial of intracranial-pressure monitoring in traumatic brain injury. 
N Engl J Med 2012;367:2471-81.
3. Brain Trauma Foundation. Guidelines for the management of severe traumatic brain injury. 
J Neurotrauma 2007;24:Suppl 1:S1-106.



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新英格兰医学杂志病例讨论 - 第十次



一名77岁男性患者,既往史包括高血压和高脂血症,严重酗酒及轻度认知障碍。患者因乙状结肠穿孔导致粪性腹膜炎,接受了Hartmann手术(直乙状结肠切除,远端直肠关闭,近端结肠造瘘)后从手术室收入ICU。手术后,患者因ARDS接受小潮气量通气及呼气末正压(PEEP)。同时患者接受针对感染性休克的治疗。在ICU住院期间的并发症包括轻度DIC,以及对乙酰氨基酚治疗导致的急性肝坏死。尽管进行了积极的活动,但患者仍出现了一定程度的ICU获得性肌无力。(在前一次病例投票中, 共有1937人针对如何治疗肌无力进行了投票。大多数人[94%]主张尽可能减轻镇静,即使在接受机械通气过程中也应尽早开始早期主动及被动活动。另有4%的调查者认为在ICU住院期间应当控制血糖水平80 - 110 mg/dL [4.4 - 6.1 mmol/L],还有1%的人选择使用人生长激素改善患者氮平衡并促进肌力恢复)。

住ICU第15天时患者脱离呼吸机并转入普通病房。从ICU转出后的第3天早上,人们发现患者躺在房间的地板上,显然是从床上坠落造成的。体格检查发现患者可自行睁眼但无法清楚地说话。右侧肢体活动减少。双侧瞳孔中等大小,对光反射存在。头颅CT检查发现左侧急性硬膜下血肿伴出血导致挫裂伤,中线结构移位5 mm。





  • 因神经系统功能无法恢复,采取保守治疗
  • 清除急性硬膜下血肿,植入脑室外引流,并收入ICU积极控制颅内压
  • 清除急性硬膜下血肿,收入ICU,治疗但不监测颅内压







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新英格兰医学杂志病例讨论 - 第九次投票结果











尚无特异性治疗能够预防ICU获得性肌无力。在一项研究中,将危重病患者的血糖控制在正常范围(控制血糖水平80-110 mg/dl),危重病神经肌病发生率相应降低,长期机械通气的需求也显著减少1。同一作者的回顾性研究也得到了相似结果2,但是其他研究结果并不支持。由于认识到控制血糖水平在正常范围可能带来的不良反应,目前的指南推荐当血糖水平超过180 mg/dL (10 mmol/L)时开始使用胰岛素治疗,并将血糖水平维持在140-180 mg/dL(7.8 - 10 mmol/L)3,4 在一项安慰剂对照研究中,试验假设为生长激素能够改善氮平衡从而改善临床预后,结果显示,成年危重病患者使用生长激素显著增加病死率5




如欲了解更多内容,请请参见新英格兰医学杂志2014年4月24日发表的危重病医学系列文章之九,由J. P. Kress和J. B. Hall撰写的ICU-Acquired Weakness and Recovery from Critical Illness本例后续情况请关注5月14日网站内容。


1. Hermans G, Wilmer A, Meersseman W, et al. Impact of intensive insulin therapy on neuromuscular complications and ventilator dependency in the medical intensive care unit.Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007;175:480-9.
2. Hermans G, Schrooten M, Van Damme P, et al. Benefits of intensive insulin therapy on neuromuscular complications in routine daily critical care practice: a retrospective study.
Crit Care 2009;13:R5.
3. Qaseem A, Humphrey LL, Chou R, Snow V, Shekelle P. Use of intensive insulin therapy for the management of glycemic control in hospitalized patients: a clinical practice guideline from the American College of Physicians. 
Ann Intern Med 2011;154:260-7.
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